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What People Are Saying

"Marilyn is a supportive, warm, and effective coach, and gave me the tools to keep it going on my own. I highly recommend her!"

Susannah, Santa Fe, NM

"Marilyn, thank you

for such a deep opportunity to let go!"

Kate, Santa Fe, NM


"As an academic and a photographer, I have volumes of materials important to me, but they've now sat in storage for years.  Marilyn helped me through a week of intense review with results I have to call stunning.  With compassion and insight, she supported me through a process that was challenging on every level - emotional, intellectual, and let's say mechanical since storage involves manipulating physical objects in limited space."

Carol, Los Angeles, CA

"Marilyn is as professional as it gets!  She is invested in each individual and not only their closet but their process of evolving and becoming themselves.  She always leaves me feeling inspired, creative, and cleansed.  I respect Marilyn's passion for her work.  I like to work with people who love what they do and Marilyn is one of them!  That's one of the reasons I am always left feeling renewed after she leaves my home."

Kellie Rae Oien, Somatic Educator

"What I have noticed since doing the clearing - I experience a general sense of being lighter - I feel less weighed down.  It's funny as the stuff was sitting thousands of miles away from me (in a storage unit) yet it created an energetic tie...not having it is freeing.  
I am more conscious of when I buy something - if I will use it?  Or do I love it?  And letting go of things when I bring in something new...not holding on to them. In essence, the clearing process has made me more conscious of consumption and value. I have shared this experience with multiple friends and clients!"

Teri, Santa Fe, NM

"Amazing closet clearing session with Marilyn Mars.  She introduced me to a whole new way of thinking about clothes and space and energy.  Her work is to closets as counseling work is to the psyche.  She turned cleaning out my closet into a Spiritual experience.  I highly recommend doing this y'all.  Amazing what I had been holding on to and am now able to let go of ...body image issues, ex-boyfriends, scarcity fears...  Marilyn, thank you for such a deep opportunity to let go!"

Kate, Santa Fe, NM

Marilyn, Thank you so much for making my move a million times easier!!

Lisa, Santa Fe, NM

Susannah, Santa Fe, NM

My relationship to my home and the things I keep in it has completely changed since working with Marilyn. I got rid of three carloads of stuff that had been dragging me down for years, and I’m still going! We cleaned out my closet, and completely revitalized my storeroom. It’s been a wonderful change, and I feel lighter and more empowered to create and keep the space I truly want. Marilyn is a supportive, warm, and effective coach, and gave me the tools to keep it going on my own. I highly recommend her!"

"Marilyn Mars came to my rescue! Her knowledge, intuition, and firm, but kind manner, helped to get me "unstuck" from my clutter. She doesn't do it for you but rather guides you along a path to do it for yourself. I wholeheartedly recommend her services."

Margo, Santa Fe, NM

"Marilyn helped me clutter clear a closet in my study that was so full that the door fell off.  We worked together via Skype and her expert guidance has motivated me to go through so many different areas of my home that are starting to overflow.  Space feels so much lighter and more energized.  And my closet door is now back on :). 
Thank you, Marilyn, you are amazing!"

Dr. Maureen Magauran, Boston, MA

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